Cute Ham Hams!

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Saturday 17 April 2010
Hello And welcome to Hamtaro fun, Where I post about "The Ham-hams" If you don't know what Ham Hams are Click here That Tells you a lot about Them, Just to get you started, they are hamsters you might have gathered already, They are also Japanese. Their used to be Programmes of Cartoon Network about them, You can also By DVDs, There is quite a few, they are also on Game-boy, Very rare to Find, and even they come in little figures!
The main thing about ham hams you should know is that, In the videos, There is a group of Hamsters out on adventures exploring the Big world by them selves they talk and they're very cute! They normally set out on their little adventure while their owners are at school!
I hope you enjoy the posts I make and I hope
you have fun learning about it and if you already
know about them, Maybe you could learn a few
more things :)

Bye for Now
-Hammy fan


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